Use "evangelize|evangelized|evangelizes|evangelizing" in a sentence

1. In AD 586 St Kentigern evangelized Tweeddale.

2. Health food supporters are always evangelizing.

3. Stimulus to the Evangelizing Work

4. We evangelize the IBM vision of open, standards-based development.

5. Still, we are not slow to evangelize.

6. They murdered Aztecans, destroyed native civilizations, and force-evangelized the indigenous population

7. How Archers inspired this organization to evangelize their APIs

8. Further, to hear what one approves serves the evangelizing instinct.

9. It is necessary to warn as well as evangelize.

10. They take an active part in the evangelizing work.

11. A prominent instrument in their evangelizing work has been the Watchtower magazine.

12. Encouraging champions to evangelize the product to others in the organization.

13. It's hard to evangelize or welcome or bless people in such conditions.

14. In 19 the darkest days of Macintosh, the evangelizing began to pay dividends.

15. I wish she would stop evangelizing about the virtues of free market economics.

16. (Acts 8:4) All “those who had been scattered,” not just a few appointed ones, evangelized.

17. Why must evangelizing be shared in as we fully accomplish our ministry?

18. Flair and imagination often contribute to good results in this special evangelizing assignment.

19. 24 I wish she would stop evangelizing about the virtues of free market economics.

20. But elders are still very busy evangelizing, shepherding, and teaching. —2 Timothy 4:2; Titus 1:9.

21. William always addressed Father as “Son,” and he and Miriam instilled in our family the evangelizing spirit.

22. The adverbial use of “first” implies that other events will follow the worldwide evangelizing work.

23. 6 The evangelizer Philip had four virgin daughters who shared their father’s zeal for evangelizing.

24. And then we all have doubts and lay off evangelizing, and Grandpa off and joins the Pentecostals.

25. Young entrepreneurs now actively turn to these programs to evangelize their ideas in the public eye.

26. After Dr. Kennedy it became impossible to say that Calvinists can't evangelize because of their theology.

27. Moreover, he terminated his engineering studies and chose the career of sharing in the full-time evangelizing work.

28. From that day forward, the Seekers, previously shy of the press and indifferent toward evangelizing, began to proselytize.

29. 15 Two Witnesses who were engaged in the work of evangelizing met a man working in his shed.

30. The Service Committee supervises all areas of the evangelizing work, including the activity of congregations and traveling overseers.

31. Consumable provides instant access to over 45 million pieces of premium entertainment, empowering brands to utilize our user evangelized content and promote their messaging

32. But it's these details that separate "good enough" companies from great companies, and attention to these details that make people "evangelize" about product virtues.

33. Varley was its unpaid pastor until 1882 and experimented with various means of evangelizing and meeting the social needs of the poor.

34. These 90 years represent a remarkable effort by a total of 680 CICM missionaries from Belgium and Holland who went to evangelize in China.

35. A large part of my job is evangelizing the strengths of the Internet to executives who still use the Web just for Brochureware

36. They evangelize the books they love, formsubcultures around them, cite them in political arguments, sometimes they evenrearrange their lives and jobs around them.

37. Our mission is to evangelize the lost and awaken the saved to live empowered lives by the Work of God and His Holy Spirit.

38. Unless you work for a software as services company, and it is your job to evangelize the product, be open-minded and willing to change.

39. 4 Zealous Evangelizing: The Congregation Book Study conductor is conscientious about making practical arrangements for all in his group to participate fully in the field ministry.

40. The IAB (Interactive Advertising Bureau) and the Mobile Marketing Association (MMA), as well, have established guidelines and are evangelizing the use of the mobile channel for marketers.

41. I know men who spend forty years fighting what they call their Besetting sin, and on which they waste strength enough to evangelize the world.

42. Customers who evangelize their friends and colleagues love a responsive organization, especially ones that keep them in the loop of how their feedback was used (or wasn't).

43. Such executive(s), on the one hand would help evangelize SOA and on the other hand will have the power to make the required resources available.

44. The emphasis on reuse and flexibility comes at a cost, and this can provide little motivation to evangelize SOA at a project level, where the benefits won't necessarily accrue to the project.

45. Contagiously Catholic: Lessons in Parish Leadership from the Cincinnati Reds The Catholic Telegraph / April 11, 2019 / By Sean Ater – The game of baseball is a great analogy for an evangelizing parish

46. 27 People, of course, always ask me about it, and that gives me a chance to evangelize about veganism (while they smugly wave a greasy burger in front of my face).

47. For Christian roommates, sharing spiritual activities, such as preparing for congregation meetings or working in the evangelizing work, is an even more effective way to forge bonds of friendship.

48. Once customers have had the opportunity to try the product and get excited about it, they're more likely to "evangelize" it, he says, spreading their enthusiasm--and selling--to people they know.

49. The bi-locating nun who may have evangelized America Similarly, if it is within the will of God, humans can be given the gift of Bilocation, where they appear to be in two places at once

50. Bertette and Dousssain, who had been evangelizing in Thuận Hóa for a long time, wrote in a letter dated June 11, 1788, Nguyễn Huệ sometimes dispatched between two and three hundred thousand troops.

51. In the world of Airflows, the leading source is the Airflow Club of America, which consists of about 600 Airflow owners and admirers who've been evangelizing on behalf of this groundbreaking design since 1962

52. While the Open Source Initiative sought to encourage the use of the new term and evangelize the principles it adhered to, commercial software vendors found themselves increasingly threatened by the concept of freely distributed software and universal access to an application's source code.

53. We promise something great, we evangelize it, we're going to change the world. It doesn't work out too well, and so we actually go back to the well and start all over again, as the people in New York and L. A. look on in absolute, morbid astonishment.

54. We promise something great, we evangelize it, we're going to change the world. It doesn't work out too well, and so we actually go back to the well and start all over again, as the people in New York and L.A. look on in absolute, morbid astonishment.

55. Those who are most vulnerable to the aggressive proselytizing of sects—a just cause for concern—and those who are incapable of resisting the onslaught of agnosticism, relativism and secularization are generally the baptized who remain insufficiently evangelized; they are easily influenced because their faith is weak, confused, easily shaken and naive, despite their innate religiosity.